Sunday, March 09, 2014

Pesawat Vietnam Rakam Gambar Serpihan

Pesawat Vietnam Rakam Gambar Serpihan 

Berita dari Yahoo telah memberitahu penyelamat dari Vietnam telah menjumpai serpihan namun serpihan itu tiada tanda atau bukti ianya berasal dari mana.

Pasukan penyelamat sedang meneliti serpihan tersebut.

Krew pesawat DHC-6 merakamkan gambar di bawah. 

Ini laporan penuh Yahoo:
UPDATE [9:44pm]: A Vietnam rescue plane has detected two objects that look like debris, Vietnamese rescue authorities announced at around 9pm. 

The crew of the DHC-6 plane saw the debris but could not see any mark or identifiable signs on them.

Maritime Rescue boats are around location, which is within the search area, some 80km South-South West of Tho Chu islet.

SENARAI PENUH Gambar Krew MAS MH370; Gambar kesemua anak kapal pilot dan Flight attendant krew pesawat MH370. Gambar di --> KLIK SINI