Sunday, April 13, 2014


Buang yang keruh, ambil yang jernih. Mungkin itu adalah peribahasa paling tepat buat tiga beranak ini iaitu, Engku Emran, Erra Fazira dan Engku Aleesya yang pernah melalui hari-hari sukar dalam kehidupan mereka.

Ini kerana, baru-baru ini ayat yang ditulis oleh Engku Emran melalui Twitter dan Instagramnya seolah membayangkan yang dia masih sayangkan Erra! Atau lebih tepat lagi, masih ada rindu dalam hati. Bak kata pepatah, tempat jatuh lagi dikenang, inikan pula tempat bermain.

"Salam ALL... ok this wil be my last pix for tday and id like to dedicate this posting to ALL of u who hv doa-ed fr the best for this innocent girl's parents... tq fr giving me the idea to create the hashtag on her baju... we were in KLCC last nite to look fr a place that can do as such but failed...

"But Alhamdulillah tday Aleesya n I managed to find a shop that wud do it... last nite Aleesya n I had an intimate chat again... i asked her if she wud help me win back Mom... and she replied YES!!! wtout hesitating followed by a looooong giggle... Aleesya only giggles when shes v excited...
"Im not ashamed to show that i stil hv strong n steep feelings fr SA simply bcoz SA n i know we r not at fault fr what happened on 18/2... like sum of u commented tday i need to make the first move... fyi i hv done so 3 days ago when i texted SA expressing my undying feelings fr her... yes i hv always been the CHASER n i like it that way... coz thats the nature of human being...
"Im not prepared to share what actually happened thru out our marriage bcoz its really2 personal... but i really do hope n need ALL ur prayers n doa yg terbaik fr the 3 of us... Aleesya is 50% of me... and the other 50% of Ayah is wt Mom...hence pls #prayformomandayah as Aleesya's tshirt reads... Wsalam ," jelas Emran mengenai isi hatinya.

Bagi anda yang ingin lihat mereka bahagia semula, jom kita doakan yang terbaik buat mereka bertiga.